
3 قطع ليدي (Wipy Lady bundle) + شحن مجاني

225 EGP

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عرض 3 قطع ليدي

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لانك تستحقي الافضل

تم تصميم Wipy Lady بعناية فائقة و مصمم خصيصا لمتطلباتك الفريدة و يمثل لكي تجربة استثنائية لان رفاهيتك و ثقتك تعني لكي كل شئ
-تركيبة Wipy Lady لطيفة تنعش المنطقة الحساسة فيضمن لكي الشعور بالثقة و الانتعاش علي مدار يومك اثناء ممارسة الرياضة او مع الاصدقاء او في العمل
– ضعي Wipy Lady في حقيبتك او حقيبة ظهرك فهي مثالية لنمط حياتك
-تصنع Wipy Lady من مواد ممتازة و صديقة للبشرة ومضادة للحساسية وتم اختبارها من قبل الاطباء المختصين مما يضمن لكي تجربة امنة و لطيفة
– ينصح باستعمال Wipy Lady يوميا

لانك تستحقي الافضل

زيدي ثقتك بنفسك باستعمال Wipy Lady لانها توفرعناية رقيقة للمناطق الحساسة طوال اليوم بتركيبتها السحريه
-يعطيك Wipy Lady الثقة و الانتعاش اثناء فترة الدورة الشهرية
– لتفتيح و ترطيب دائم للمنطقة الحساسة وجعلك اكثر جمالا وثقة
– يساعد بفاعليه في علاج الحكة و الالتهابات و الاحمرار المصاحبة للالتهابات المهبلية
– للوقاية من حالات عدوي الالتهابات المهبلية
– معزز لثقتك بنفسك و لشعورك بالراحة الدائمة لانه معطر للمنطقة الحساسة للقضاء علي الروائح الغير مرغوب فيها اثناء فترة عدوي الالتهابات المهبلية
-قبل و بعد العلاقة الحميمية


  • Contain chlorhexidine , thyme oil , cetrimide, tea tree oil and musk perfume
  • Wipes from high quality of non woven fabric with high level with cotton
  • Purified water
  • Portable easy use package
  • PH balanced
  • One wipe for one dose for one us
  • Benefits
  • Very good Anti-inflammatory antioxidants agent and antiseptic so use for any inflammation itching and bad odor
  • Due to the excellent quality of wipes material it’s suitable and comfortable for sensitive area without any irritation
  • or complications with sensitive skin
  • Due to the superior packaging you can use lady wipes any time and where in indoor and outdoor ( in home or working or traveling or shopping ..etc )
  • Due to the PH balanced which is the same PH of this area so wipy lady doesn’t change the PH of the vagina so can kill the harmful bacteria and fungus without harm the useful bacteria
  • The dose in wipy lady is already adjusted .. one wipe is one dose, no need to make dilutions which usually makes misdose that lead to subtherapeutic effect or over effect
  • Very efficient, very simple, very convenient and to the point
  • Suitable for general daily hygiene, before and after sex, during period and for itching and burning sensation
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New intimate wipes with vitamin E & naturally derived some of great ingredients  gives you an instantly moisturized feeling and refresh your delicate intimate area every day whenever you need it.  WIPY intimate wipes alcohol-free formulation respects your natural intimate ph level. Keep your intimate area fresh on the go to feel confident no matter what you do… wherever if you at work, at the gym, , meet friends or during and after period and before and after sex …  Keep them in your bag every day.

  • PH-balanced to respect your natural intimate flora
  • On the Go – Moisturizing Freshness
  • Dermatologically & Gynecologically tested
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Portable pack of 20 wipes

Wipy  Lady intimate wipes contain great ingredients with a great effect like:

  • Cetrimide : is an excellent antiseptic and prevent bacterial growth and so prevent bad odour resulted by it
  • Chlorhexidine : is an antiseptic agent,  chlorhexidine is safe to use on the skin and other bodily surface
  • Tea tree : oil has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.    Topically applied tea tree oil has been used successfully as a topical treatment for Trichomonas,  Candida albicans, and other vaginal infections.Topically applied tea tree oil has been studied and used successfully as a topical treatment for Trichomonas, Candida albicans, and other vaginal  infections  It’s thought to calm redness, swelling, and inflammation. It may even help to leaving you with smooth, clear skin. The anti-inflammatory effect of tea tree oil helps to soothe and relieve painful and irritated skin. It may also help to reduce redness and swelling
  • Vitamin E : helps support the immune system, cell function, and skin health. It’s an antioxidant, making it effective at combating the effects of free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins
  • Thyme oil : has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect, as thymol, the most prevalent terpene in thyme oil, has antimicrobial properties. One study found that thyme oil was effective in treating bacterial infections, and also the thyme oil shows a great effect against yeast infections as along with action against bacteria, thyme essential oil also has anti-fungal properties and effective against Candida albicans, a type of yeast Candida albicans is the most common cause of genital yeast infections which cause, vaginal itching , pain and bad odor


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3 قطع ليدي (Wipy Lady bundle) + شحن مجاني
225 EGP